Brain & Water Shots - Subliminals

Effektive, kombinierte Subliminal Technologie

1500+ Affirmationen in 90 Sekunden!

Was sind Brain & Water Shots?

Die Brain & Water Shots Alben sind eine innovative Kombination aus blitzartiger Programmierung des Unterbewusstseins und extrem schneller Energetisierung des Trinkwassers. Diese Symbiose aus Konditionierung des Unterbewusstseins und gleichzeitiger Wasserflutung deiner 60 Billionen Körperzellen schafft zielführende Effektivität.

Das Ziel der Shots ist es, in möglichst kurzer Zeit, möglichst viele Affirmationen im Unterbewussstsein und im Trinkwasser zu verankern. Dabei werden im Brain Shot Video innerhalb von 90 Sekunden, 1500+ Affirmationen an deine Sinne übertragen.

Die Shots sind eine Kombination aus Silent Subliminal, hörbaren subliminalen Stimmen, visueller Text-Einblendung der Affirmationen und effizienten Background-Sounds, die jeweils 90 Sekunden dauern.

Heilsames Mental-Training der neuesten Generation.

Anti-Aging & Cell Regeneration Shots - Brain & Water Shots Subliminals

Anti-Aging & Cell Regeneration Shots

(inkl. Mwst)    € 29,99

Anxiety & Panic Rescue Shots - Brain & Water Shots Subliminals

Anxiety & Panic Rescue Shots

(inkl. Mwst)    € 29,99

Attract Miracles Shots - Brain & Water Shots Subliminals

Attract Miracles Shots

(inkl. Mwst)    € 29,99

Charisma & Attractiveness Shots - Brain & Water Shots Subliminals

Charisma & Attractiveness Shots

(inkl. Mwst)    € 29,99

Attract Miracles Shots - Brain & Water Shots Subliminals

Deep Sleep & Sweet Dreams Shots

(inkl. Mwst)    € 29,99

Earn Passive Income Shots - Brain & Water Shots Subliminals

Earn Passive Income Shots

(inkl. Mwst)    € 29,99

Energy & Productivity Shots - Brain & Water Shots Subliminals

Energy & Productivity Shots

(inkl. Mwst)    € 29,99

Extreme Manifestation Booster Shots - Brain & Water Shots Subliminals

Extreme Manifestation Booster Shots

(inkl. Mwst)    € 29,99

Find Your Soulmate Shots - Brain & Water Shots Subliminals

Find Your Soulmate Shots

(inkl. Mwst)    € 29,99

Good Morning Beautiful Day Shots - Brain & Water Shots Subliminals

Good Morning Beautiful Day Shots

(inkl. Mwst)    € 29,99

Healthy Body & Mind Shots - Brain & Water Shots Subliminals

Healthy Body & Mind Shots

(inkl. Mwst)    € 29,99

Motivation & Discipline Shots - Brain & Water Shots Subliminals

Motivation & Discipline Shots

(inkl. Mwst)    € 29,99

Passionate & Lustful Sex Life Shots - Brain & Water Shots Subliminals

Passionate & Lustful Sex Life Shots

(inkl. Mwst)    € 29,99

Positivity & Happiness Shots - Brain & Water Shots Subliminals

Positivity & Happiness Shots

(inkl. Mwst)    € 29,99

Prosperity & Money Flow Shots - Brain & Water Shots - Brain & Water Shots Subliminals

Prosperity & Money Flow Shots

(inkl. Mwst)    € 29,99

Relaxation & Inner Peace Shots - Brain & Water Shots Subliminals

Relaxation & Inner Peace Shots

(inkl. Mwst)    € 29,99

Self-Love & Self-Confidence Shots - Brain & Water Shots Subliminals

Self-Love & Self-Confidence Shots

(inkl. Mwst)    € 29,99

Success & Wish-Fullfillment Shots - Brain & Water Shots Subliminals

Success & Wish-Fulfillment Shots

(inkl. Mwst)    € 29,99

Super Learning Shots - Brain & Water Shots Subliminals

Super Learning Shots

(inkl. Mwst)    € 29,99

Pain Relief & Recovery Shots - Brain & Water Shots Subliminals

Pain Relief & Recovery Shots

(inkl. Mwst)    € 29,99

Quit Smoking & Be Free Now Shots - Brain & Water Shots Subliminals

Quit Smoking Now & Be Free Shots

(inkl. Mwst)    € 29,99

High Sensitivity - Get In Balance Shots - Brain & Water Shots Subliminals

High Sensitivity - Get In Balance Shots

(inkl. Mwst)    € 29,99

Brain Capacity & Intelligence Shots - Brain & Water Shots Subliminals

Brain Capacity & Intelligence Shots

(inkl. Mwst)    € 29,99

Telepathic Connection Shots - Brain & Water Shots Subliminals

Telepathic Connection Shots

(inkl. Mwst)    € 29,99

Ancestral Lineage Healing Shots - Brain & Water Shots Subliminals

Ancestral Lineage Healing Shots

(inkl. Mwst)    € 29,99

Speech & Communication Shots  - Brain & Water Shots Subliminals

Speech & Communication Shots

(inkl. Mwst)    € 29,99

Stop Alcoholism Shots - Brain & Water Shots Subliminals

Stop Alcoholism Shots

(inkl. Mwst)    € 29,99

Grounding With Mother Earth Shots - Brain & Water Shots Subliminals

Grounding With Mother Earth Shots

(inkl. Mwst)    € 29,99

Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder Shots  - Brain & Water Shots Subliminals

Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder Shots

(inkl. Mwst)    € 29,99

Weight Loss & Ideal Body Shots - Brain & Water Shots Subliminals

Weight Loss & Ideal Body Shots

(inkl. Mwst)    € 29,99

Subconscious Mind Cleanse Shots - Brain & Water Shots - Subliminals

Subconscious Mind Cleanse Shots

(inkl. Mwst)    € 29,99

Resilience & Protection Shield Shots - Brain & Water Shots - Subliminals

Resilience & Protection Shield Shots

(inkl. Mwst)    € 29,99

Ho'oponopono Healing Mantra Shots - Brain & Water Shots - Subliminals

Ho'oponopono Healing Mantra Shots

(inkl. Mwst)    € 29,99

Unfold Femininity & Empowerment Shots - Brain & Water Shots - Subliminals

Unfold Femininity & Empowerment Shots

(inkl. Mwst)    € 29,99

Masculinity & Alpha Male Shots - Brain & Water Shots - Subliminals

Masculinity & Alpha Male Shots

(inkl. Mwst)    € 29,99

Revive Your Relationship - Brain & Water Shots - Subliminals

Revive Your Relationship Shots

(inkl. Mwst)    € 29,99

Self-Healing Compliments Shots - Brain & Water Shots - Subliminals

Self-Healing Compliments Shots

(inkl. Mwst)    € 29,99

 Da es sehr förderlich für die Gesundheit ist, habe ich beschlossen, glücklich zu sein.

 - Voltaire -

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